A weekend down the South Coast

Anyone up for another (virtual) weekend away, this time down the coast? No lockdown, no cold and no rain. Hooray! This is the last of the quick getaways Coco and I did in 2020 – I wasn’t planning to post it as there’s not many images, but given this current lockdown looks like it might be hanging around for a while, I thought a little uplifting distraction might help. Let’s go!
Coco and I rented a house down the coast at Manyana Beach, about three hours south of Sydney, with another mum and daughter, Anne and Rosie, old neighbours who are now dear friends. Before we explored Manyana itself, we headed north to the more famous Hyams Beach. I’d never been but as soon as I spied the beach, I realised what one of its main attractions is – unbelievably white sand.

100% accurate

sea creatures
The next day I had a wander along Manyana Beach while the others lazed around the house. In contrast to Hyams’ blindingly white sand, Manyana has jet-black rock, made even more dramatic by the stormy skies. I particularly loved the tiny limpets that cling to the rocks, surviving constant tidal movement (and I’d love to know what all the white squiggles are if anyone knows).

treasure island indeed

the science of shells

small wave, big cloud

jellyfish vs sand snail sacs that look like jellyfish
And that’s it folks. I said it would be brief, didn’t I? But I hope it injected a little colour and movement into your day nonetheless, especially if you’re stuck at home in Sydney lockdown. One day we will all be free again and won’t it be so sweet. Take care everyone.
As usual, great light. Divine pics.
I love the south coast, it’s been part of my life for 40 years. When you can, go further south.
It’s so beautiful isn’t it? The furthest I’ve been is Eden. Which parts do you love best Di?
Bawley Point is my greatest love. A small village, no sewer or water, loads of beaches to choose from, the gantry to jump off. Blue as blue water. Getting more crowded (well crowded for my liking) these days. May even move there before we get ‘too old’!!
I visited Bawley Point so many moons ago, with an old boyfriend. We stayed at Bawley Point Cottage or House? (And I think I camped there in my early 20s with a different boyfriend in the National Park. Maybe I need to go back to meet a new boyfriend?!) Lovely spot. Hope it’s pretty much the same, aside from the increase of humans.
As a 1955 Canberran, my earliest visits to the South Coast were to Broulee – mostly marked by SPAM and tinned tongue in my memory. From age 10, we migrated to Mossy Point, then a few years later to North Rosedale. That was definitely the place of my coming of age – such a beautiful place, such hunky young men.
My darling minischnauzer also enjoyed her trips to the beach. Of course, being a minischnauzer, she NEVER entered the water unless we weren’t watching!
SPAM and tinned tongue, but at least the young men were hunky and your minischnauzer loved the beach! You paint a vivid image, thanks Fiona.
I am still good friends with one of those gorgeous hunks – after nearly 50 years!
Love it!
Please keep posting. We all need to escape to somewhere with limpets, jellyfish and storm clouds.
Thanks Kate, very happy it gave some delight.
Gorgeous.. take me back there to beautiful Manyana beach and my ‘Carpe diem’ moment ……so lovely .
Oh yeah, that was pretty profound, wasn’t it?! xx
Must dig out some old pics of us at Hyams all those years ago with Clarabelle.
Long time ago, Gaylee. We were so young! xx
Thanks, Louise – that was a nice little trip away… I was hoping someone would know what those squiggly white things were – I’ve seen them before, but have no idea what they are either.
So glad you enjoyed it Cindy. I’ll research the white swirls and see if I can uncover the mystery.
What amazing colours! Thank you for sharing. Definitely uplifting!
Excellent! Job done. Thanks for letting me know Jess.
Thanks Louise, we need that little virtual holiday just to brighten us up!
Glad to be of service Patricia. It’s pretty miserable, isn’t it?! The rain has been great to help keep us all indoors this weekend but the sun’s return this week should raise spirits a little I hope.
For the “squiggly white things” try the intertidal tube worm – Galeolaria – in Google images. See if it matches.
South Coast’s been my home for over 40 years, and holiday destination since childhood. How lucky am I?? Covid-caution has given me a chance and an inspiration to get to know my one particular beach. Never before have I walked it every day at all times and in all weathers.
Thank you for your glimpse of a beach further north: it’s always a pleasure to see through your distinctive eye.
Oh yes, I think you’ve got it Meg – just had a quick look and they do seem the same. Thanks for the sleuthing! And yes, you are lucky – the South Coast is just beautiful.
Perfect! Thanks Lou
Next best thing to being there is remembering being there:)
Very happy I could take you there TB! But I know it’s missing one vital piece of the puzzle for you. How good will the reunion be?!
Thanks for the “uplifting distraction”. Different oceans have different colours and you have caught the Tasman/Pacific exactly. Some time back we saw The Gods Must Be Crazy II at a small cinema in Sussex Inlet. The cinema was not exactly weather proof and Possums snuffled about in the rafters, lending the film a kind of extra authenticity. Stay Well, FH
I’m not that familiar with the sea down south but I don’t think I’ve ever seen it so turquoise. I assume it must be the very white sand at Hyams that makes it so. Love the possums in the rafters!